Christmas Reading

December 23, 2020

Christmas Reading

I woke up thinking about my favorite Christmas stories. I started the coffee pot and then turned on the Christmas tree lights. I kept the curtains closed since it seemed cozier. As soon as the coffee finished brewing, I poured myself a mug full, grabbed my journal, and snuggled in my chair to write.

I have a collection of books I set out at Christmas time to enjoy and share with my grandchildren. Fun stories, serious stories, and colorful stories. Each one has an encouraging message of hope, forgiveness and love.  A few of the stories are new ones I have acquired since marriage and others are stories that my mother read to me.

One that is still my favorite is The Littlest Angel by Charles Tazewell. A darling story about a little angel franticly searching for the perfect gift to give the new born Christ child. Besides having the book, I also was fortunate to have the story on 45 records. As a girl I enjoyed hearing the story also. In fact, I just found the records and will listen to them this Christmas.

While teaching I would share with my English classes O.Henry’s story The Gift of the Magi. A lovely story with an important lesson of unselfish love. Like all O. Henry’s stories, this one had an unexpected surprise. The students would enjoy sharing their thoughts on the twist at the end of the story. 

I believe my dad introduced me to Dylan Thomas’ A Child’s Christmas in Wales. This is a fun story of a Welsh boy’s experiences and adventures around his home town at Christmas time. This story was special to me since both my parents’ families come from Wales. Dylan Thomas recorded the story on vinyl while on a trip to the United States. His voice, use of words, and imagery were so enchanting to hear as he read his story. I would often play the record for my students as they followed along in their literature books.

As our family gathers around the Christmas tree we share another story on Christmas day. The story found in the Bible, the best selling book of all time. The story of the birth of Jesus is the reason we celebrate Christmas. Jesus was born to die for us. It’s a story of eternal love, humility, forgiveness, and sacrifice. This story is still touching lives today and will continue to touch lives for generations. This story is the greatest story ever written.

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.” John 3:16,17

Merry Christmas