
This fall my granddaughter started Kindergarten and she loves it.

My daughter is learning to accept the multitude of feelings that accompany this monumental event: happiness, tears, pride, concern, and love, and the list goes on and on.

And I remember. I remember all those feelings and emotions and the need for prayer. I learned to pray for each of my children. A lot. Often. For safety, wisdom, and guidance.

I prayed that the love I gave would be an example. That I had taught them to love, be kind, thoughtful, truthful, but also to stand up for what’s right and fair.

I remember reading a book on the strong willed child. All four of my children are strong willed. It wasn’t always easy when they were young, but I am thankful. They know how to stand up for what they believe.

Each child is a blessing from the Lord. They come equipped with gifts and talents. As parents we are given the awesome responsibility to teach and train these little people. We nourish and care for them and raise them up to be responsible people.

There will be struggles and heartbreaks as children grow. Tears, skinned knees, and broken dreams, but love, forgiveness, and encouragement must never stop.

The Bible says to train them up in the love and admonition of the Lord in Proverbs 22:8.

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

It is a joy to see each child grow and blossom in the talents God planted in them. As parents, our job is to help them discover their gifts and talents, and then to encourage them to pursue and flourish in them.

So proud of our son who is musician, successful business man, a father of four boys and soon to be a grandfather.  He is kind, thoughtful, loving, and wise.

Our three daughters are each amazing women. They are wives and mothers, sisters, and aunts. Our oldest daughter is now a grandmother too. Each has pursued the gifts God placed in them. They correspond with each other daily and encourage each other often. Family is important.

Recently we hosted a family reunion. All but two of my grandsons were able to come. It was so special to see all our kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids together. Talking, laughing, and getting to know each other. Some for the first time.

I found myself just watching, taking in each moment, wanting to hold on to it all. Four generations!  Stories were shared. Pictures taken. Family memories made.

Now that I have grandchildren and great-grandchildren, I have an urgency to keep all of them and those they love in prayer. I will be praying for wisdom, guidance, safety, and wise choices. I will be praying for God’s love to shine through each of them.

The truth is I will never stop praying. First Kindergarten, high school, college, travel, work, relationships, marriage, families, health; it’s all part of the amazing privilege of being a parent and having the blessing of children.

Psalms 127:3-5

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,

The fruit of the womb is a reward.

  Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,

So are the children of one’s youth.

  Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them;

They shall not be ashamed,

But shall speak with their enemies in the gate.

I am very blessed.

So as my precious granddaughter steps into Kindergarten, waves goodbye, learns to ride the bus home, and meets new friends, she will be in my daily prayers. God has placed amazing gifts in her and I can’t wait to see all of them shine.